Students face parking problems

“We are completely out of parking!” said Bookkeeper Mrs. Smith about the recent dilemmas in the parking lot.  Bookkeeping takes care many things that have to do with student parking. Due to the large number of students in need of parking, and the few spaces the school has for them, the bookkeeping department has stayed very busy lately.

Students who purchase a parking pass can park in the student parking lot. The thing is, there are too many students in need of a parking pass, and not enough space. Students have started parking in the wrong spots, or just parking without a pass all together. Three warnings are issued to students who do this, and after the three warnings, they may be towed. The warnings are orange stickers that are placed on the students’ car window.

Mrs. Smith and the rest of the staff have been kept on their toes due to the towing. Saying it’s very frustrating, she added, “We can’t pull parking spots out of the sky!”  She also explained that students have started parking in the parking lot without a parking pass. This leaves no room for the people who actually bought passes to park.