Students painting their way to art club

On Tuesdays, when freshman Sam Bredfield looks at the clock before the dismissal bell is about to ring, she thinks, “Oh, yea! I have to go to art club today; this is going to be fun.”

When the bell rings, more than two dozen artists go to their lockers then make their way through the halls to Mr. Locascio’s room for art club. Art club starts right after school and runs until 3 o’clock.  Mr. Locasio just asks that students make sure they have a ride home.

“(There are on) average 25 students each week in art club,” said Mr. Locascio.

Students are allowed to work on their own projects, and it can involve any medium they want, like paint, colored pencils or even markers. So what do they work on?  Anthony Hunsinger, 9th grade, said, “I’ve seen other people drawing together or work on class assignments, and we can also work on activities that we come up with as a group, like we are going to tie-dye shirts.”

Art club is student led; the teacher doesn’t tell students what to do. It also means the kids are in charge. “Students should join art club because it’s a nice time to not think about school work; you get to create artwork that is school appropriate,” said Mr. Locascio.