Bollywood bash


Kara TImberlake

Matt Minafo takes a homecoming poll on the Osceola news website.

Katy Perry lyrics pounding out of speakers and students stuffing their faces with chips and candy eating while chatting in the school gym, lavishly decorated…it’s homecoming. As August draws to a close thoughts turn to homecoming and more importantly what to wear. From hanging out with friends to slow dancing with a date students are excited for this year’s homecoming. Although most haven’t gotten their attire yet, plans about where to buy are still in motion and thoughts about how much to spend are in the air.

“Random stores and boutiques, but not Tyrone Mall” Jade Mesquita, 12th grade gives a tip Tyrone Mall is where everyone goes, so to be unique she goes to stores off the beaten track.

Others find it necessary to keep their favorite stores on the down low “I don’t want to tell” smiles Kirsten Kelso 12th grade.  “Finding out the theme” is what keeps her, excited for homecoming.  With spending prices staying under a hundred dollars this year from “{I’m} not {spending} much” Kristen Kelso students want to pinch a penny.

Students are only willing to spend “the least amount possible, look{ing} for something cute and hope it’s cheap,” as Jade puts it.

With all the excitement over homecoming dress code also comes into play, although for homecoming there is more freedom in how students are allowed to dress. Basically for girls dresses have to be three inches above the knee or longer, strapless dresses are permitted but collar can’t be more than four inches from the collarbone, and no sides or more than half the back showing. For guys slacks and collared shirts are the way to go-no flip-flops, jeans, or tennis shoes this time.