Students study for success

It’s the starting of the 2nd marking period, and students are already planning on how to be successful. Some students are preparing by writing everything down, and doing the assignment as soon as they receive it.

Many students have different techniques for studying and preparing for tests. Students are also planning to do their homework every night to get good grades in all of their classes. Many students are hoping to get honor roll to get at least a 3.0, but others are wishing to get straight A’s. Hannah Gonsalves, 12th grade says, “(I want) straight A’s because I’m putting a lot of work into school.”

For some students there are many things that distract them to get the grades they really want. Whether it is a sport or extra-curricular activity, it’s a problem for many students. John-Paul Mathis, 11th grade reveals, “Watching too much TV stops me from studying.”

Some teachers may allow retakes on tests; for the students to get a better grade the 2nd time, some students, like Chandler Burwell, 10th grade said, “(I would) see what I got wrong, maybe get a tutor, correct my mistakes and learn from them.”

Many students believe that their grades are very important. Even though they all have different reason for why grades are so important to them. For instance Chase Canavan, 9th grade said, “Grades are very important, because my dad wants me to have good grades.” Many students will try to improve their grades from the first marking period by different study techniques and hard work.