Warriors lose sleep, focus on a daily basis


Students walk around the track during 3rd period. Many students say when they lose sleep, they lose focus in class.

       Falling asleep in class and not being able to focus are two effects of sleep deprivation.  Losing sleep takes such a serious health and psychological toll, that deprivation can be used in torture.  According to the CDC, sleep deprivation has increased in the past years.  Students at Osceola took a poll to see on average how many hours students sleep a night, and just how many of them think the amount of sleep they get affects their focus in school.

According to the 50 students polled…

*64% of students sleep less than 8 hours a night. 

*36% of students sleep more than 8 hours on average every night. 

The poll also asked if students think that their sleep deprivation affects their focus in school.

*32 students said yes, the number of hours they sleep affects their individual focus.

*18 students said no. 

According to this information, many students at Osceola sleep less than 8 hours and students think that sleep is very important, especially for school.

“I sleep about 10 hours a night,” said Sydney Coffeen, 9th grade.  “ I am not as tired in school when I get a lot of sleep.” Olivia Gavin, 10th grade, said, “I sleep 7 hours a night. I see a learning capability when I don’t sleep,” she continued.  According to these students, sleep is a key factor for school.  According to the WebMD the effects of sleep deprivation are decreased performance, memory impairment, cognition impairment, and many more.  “Getting quality sleep is vital for mental health, physical health, and safety,” according to the NHLBI (National Blood and Health Institute).