Warriors bundle up to stay warm

                At the lowest temperature of 32 degrees and the highest of 47 degrees today, students layered their clothing with warm sweaters, jackets, sweatshirts and boots in these cold conditions. According to Bay News 9, the temperatures will struggle to get up to 50 degrees; these temperatures will be the coldest of the winter season.

“I was freezing this morning so I had to wear a big sweatshirt to stay warm,” said Meg Fister, 9th grade.

“I hate this weather I had to wear two jackets to stay warm,” said Julia Davison, 9th grade. Emily Carter, 9th grader, said “I wore athletic pants instead of jeans and a sweatshirt.”

Taylor Ballard, 9th grader, said, “I actually like the cold weather, but I did wear a leather jacket and boots to help stay warm.”

“I had to wear a sweater and a jacket since it was so cold,” said Soleil Sarcinello, 9th grader.

Physical education classes stayed inside because of the cold weather, according to Coach Hill. The coffee cart supervisor said “Yes, more hot chocolate sales at the carts have been up because of the cold weather.”