Warriors celebrate Ash Wednesday


Last Wednesday you may have seen Warriors with something on their foreheads. The black mark is ash, and it is for Ash Wednesday. This signifies the beginning of Lent for Catholics.

Kaitlyn Jones, 10th grade, said, “Palms from Palm Sunday are burned; this is how we get the ash to put on our foreheads.”

The ashes on their foreheads are in the shape of the cross. Kaitlyn said, “On Ash Wednesday, you receive a symbol of our faith by wearing ashes in the sign of the cross on our foreheads.”

Lent is a 40 day period from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Catholics give up something such as food, drinks, or habits as a sign of faith and do not eat meat on Fridays or on Ash Wednesday. “I’m giving up red meat, and all drinks besides water and milk,” said Kaitlyn.