Parents can get even more involved

There’s something new out there that students may not be happy about. Parents of Osceola Fundamental students are very involved, and are always looking for new ways to stay on top of their kids, especially their school work. To solve this problem, the district’s Office of Strategic Partnerships have created a Family Engagement Mobile App. Parents now can download this app on their phones, to keep them more engaged with their kids and their school work. The “Family Mobile App will provide parents the ability to extend classroom opportunities and family engagement tips”, according to the Osceola Fundamental website. The Family Mobile app also provides tips and opportunities and parent “How to” videos. In addition to the videos, the Family Engagement Mobile App also provides information about parent’s workshop schedules. The app also includes parent peer support and information that will support student learning and improvement.
What can I find on the PCS Family Engagement App?

When you download the family app you will find a listing of all the schools and a direct link to the school website. You will also be able to find Florida standards. The mobile app has, “daily tips, family resources, opportunities to volunteer and mentoring workshops,” according to the Osceola website.
Messages-The family app, when downloaded will have messages and alerts delivered directly to your phone. These massages can alert parents about upcoming events and weather alerts. The app also includes notifications about parent’s meeting notifications.
Videos– The videos that are on the mobile app, contain informational tips for parents.
Academic support– The app includes a “Beyond The Classroom “section. This includes support topics like how to type, St Math, reading and brain pop.
The app, conveniently has Khan Academy videos for (math and algebra) lessons.