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The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

Attaining the tickets for the matinee

Sergio Reyes
To get into the SpongeBob matinee, a ticket is needed. Students have to report to 2nd period before going to the play.

Students are excited for the in-school Matinee that takes place on Friday, April 19th during second, third, and fourth period. Some students haven’t seen the musical before but are amped up to see it at school. One Warrior, Parker Salgado, says “Yes, I bought a ticket, but I have never seen the musical before. I also do not know anyone personally in the play, but I am excited to see how it turns out.” Another Warrior also has not seen the musical but bought a ticket to see it during school. “I bought the ticket, but I have not seen the musical before,” she said.

Although some students do not know anyone in the musical personally, one student, Anahy Hernandez, does. “I know the boy who plays SpongeBob. His name is Viet Anh Nguyen.” Another Warrior, Sergio Reyes, decided not to buy a ticket. “I did not buy a ticket because I was not aware they were selling them at lunch and at those times. Then when I found out, I just wanted to stay in class during those periods. An empty classroom seems nice and peaceful, and I will use that time to catch up on some sleep.”

He also knows a friend in the SpongeBob musical. “Yes, I know a girl named Addison Thompson. She plays a Sardine, Sea Anemone, and is in the Ensemble.” If you did not get to buy a ticket, have no fear because night shows are still on sale on Adult tickets are priced at twelve dollars while student and staff tickets are priced at eight dollars. Thursday night is at 7:00 PM, Friday night is at 7:00 PM, Saturday afternoon is at 2:00 PM, and Saturday night is at 7:00 PM. All other information can be found on the school website or on the theatre Instagram page (@ofhstheatre).