Students who take culinary did participate in an annual cake war last week. Chef Fitzpatrick tells students to find their own cake recipe and bake it to the best of their ability every year. Students have baked cakes such as raspberry cheesecakes, chocolate lava cakes, coffee cakes, strawberry frosted cakes, and more. The debate on which group had created the best cake was held on April 25th for all the culinary 2 classes. Many students took the cake wars very seriously and had a powerful desire to win the challenge. Last year, the winning group presented their cake with the popstar Ice Spice painted on it.
Culinary students used various techniques to gain an edge. Joni Ellis, 11th grade, said, “We have been working on our strawberry frosted cake all this week. We are going to win this challenge because our cake is pretty with light pink frosting and is going to taste sweet and delicious’’ and John Johnson, 11th grade, said, “Our cake does not look as pretty, but the taste will make up for it. No one else made a coffee cake so our cake will stick out more’’. Chef Fitzpatrick had ordered special ingredients for kids such as strawberries, raspberries, Oreos, white chocolate chips, sprinkles, and more. Students and some teachers had to decide who had the best cake. Students were extremely excited to decide who the cake wars champion will be. Angelina Rodrigez, 10th grade, said, “Our cake is plain and simple vanilla because we did not want to overdo our cake with too many flavors’’. All the students made different varieties of cakes for everyone to try. Warriors in culinary were ready for cake wars and exited to show off their cake creations.