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The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

The beans about the beans

                Osceola’s coffee service, “Snore No More” has been holding back its coffee production since the beginning of the year.  They needed to ensure that their coffee beans were ready for grinding, and that their door stickers were posted in every window.  After all their trials of preparation, the launch date for the coffee cart comes in on September 4th.

                There is a rumor floating around that the coffee cart is expanding its horizons,  and adding different types of muffins or other assorted breakfast food.  These speculations are false. The coffee cart “needs to be kept stable” says Vicki Michea. “There is a limit on what we can serve, because if we start selling food items, like muffins, we have to have different types of health inspectors come in and check out the way we do things. So we’re going to stick to coffee.”

                The last hold up that may be a problem for the coffee cart is the door stickers. “There are some teachers that switched classrooms, or maybe changed whether they want us to stop at their door or not.” Every class that wants the coffee cart to stop at their door needs to either make sure that their coffee cart badge is still in their window, or they get a new badge to show off.

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The beans about the beans