Rain forces students to relocate

Rain forces students to relocate

            As rainclouds surrounded the Tampa Bay Area earlier this week, students and teachers scurried around to stay dry. On Tuesday with the rain chance at 100%, students were held in the auditorium instead of their regular portable classes. With the auditorium crammed and loud from all the portable students being inside, both teachers and students found it an uncomfortable setting. “I find it very upsetting,” said Mr. Mabe, economics teacher. “I understand for safety reasons with all the thunder and lightning, and kids slipping on the floor; but we live in Florida.”

            On Wednesday, with the rain percentage about as high as Tuesday’s, the rain almost seemed to fall harder. Students were held up in their first and second period classes until 9:09 A.M and third was extended by ten minutes. Instead of students returning to the auditorium like on Tuesday, they were sent out to the portables with the school saying it was a “light sprinkle” outside. Some students groaned, and making a dash for it, ending up in class wet and cold.

            After two days of downpours, students can expect some sunshine with the rain chances going no higher than 30% for the rest of the week.