Colors fly at Osceola football games


Jess Zsiga

Sophia Patrolia the color guard captain.

The Osceola High School color guard consists of 15 girls performing in unison at all home football games. Along with the band, the team puts together a visual presentation that is also preparation for a competition. Practice for the guard will occurs on Tuesday and Thursday. Friday is when you can catch them performing at an Osceola football game on October 3rd.
In addition, a competition will take place Saturday at Durant High School in Plant City. Color guard captain Sophia Patrolia, a senior, said she has “a passion for the color guard” due to her love of dancing and performing for large crowds. Sophia also admits that she gets a little nervous when about to perform, but that all goes away when she steps foot on the performing mat. Ally, another color guard member, also speaks of the upcoming competition along with her relationship in the guard. Ally is a four year veteran of the color guard who states the importance of the competition is that “it is fun to win and it’s fun to perform.” The best thing about the color guard for Ally is the bond she has created with her teammates as well as the performances that she engages herself in. The color guard can be seen performing at all home Osceola football games, their one goal being to compete and entertain.