Free college program proposal

President of the United States Barack Obama has recently put into motion a program that could pay for the first two years of tuition for community college students. This would give millions of Americans the opportunity of an education without the pressures of any required expenses.

Justin Delong, 12th grade, believes that this program “might be good for the people.” Justin is cautiously optimistic that this program “might be a success but the people will have to wait and see.”

Guidance counselor Mrs. McDaniel said the program sounds good. “It is a great idea so that the populous can get an education and a great opportunity to receive any required training that someone would be searching for.” Mrs. McDaniel’s words for the program speak of optimism stating that this could be a success “if everybody gets on board”.

What this program wants to address is the growing income inequality by changing public financed higher education. The White House, however, refused to talk about how much this would all cost or how much it would be financed. It will most likely be expensive and tough to get an all Republican congress to agree to the proposal. Half-time or full-time students with at least 2.5 GPA would be covered. The proposal is that the federal government will cover the average cost of three-quarters in community college for those students and states willing to participate. For every state to become part of this program, the Obama administration estimates that students could save about $3,800 per year.

The proposal is not in effect now.  But several scholarships can help with college costs.  Click here for information.