Battle of the Books begins qualifying testing


Drew Jackson

Erica Shute, 9th grade, reads one of the ten Battle of the Books pieces

The 2015 Battle of the Books is getting underway. From now until February 20, the qualifying test for the OHS Battle of the Books team will be given in the Media Center. There is no sign-up required, and students can take the test at whatever time is most convenient; the student with the highest score on the qualifying test will become team captain. Ms. McDougal, school librarian and adviser to the Osceola Battle of the Books, explained that while students are not required to read all the Battle of the Books pieces in order to take the test, she said it helps. McDougal said that Battle of the Books is “a lot of fun, and you read a lot of different books.” McDougal encouraged students to consider Battle of the Books, saying “If you’re a good reader, or don’t know what to read, it gives you some great suggestions,” with McDougal touting Battle of the Books as a non-athletic way to get involved that also looks good on college applications. For more information and to sign up to take the test, see Ms. McDougal in the Media Center.