Last minute preparation for FCAT


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Staying up late, skipping breakfast and stressing out about the FCAT are all things students shouldn’t do before the test.  To prepare for FCAT it is recommended to “get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast, and to just relax,” said Mrs. Polizzi, guidance counselor.  It is also suggested to “take your time, don’t worry and do the best that you can; all the preparation is done,” said Mrs. McDaniel guidance counselor.

A last minute tip is to “answer the ones you know first, then go back and do the others,” said Mrs. Lenning, math teacher.  Students are preparing for FCAT testing in various ways.  According to Warriors, FCAT week is a stressful time and having the right preparation is important.  “I have to get a good night sleep, or else I won’t be able to focus at all,” said Madie Brown, 9th grade.  Lauren Morris, 9th grade , agreed. “ To prepare for FCAT I am going to study a lot, sleep a lot, and eat a really good breakfast so I have a lot of energy.”