Warriors take on their new year’s resolutions


One resolution could be to go to the library and read more.

Courtney Sipos, Staff Writer

One way to kick off the new year is to make a resolution involving school. Resolutions can help teens set goals. Several students have already made resolutions, but what are they?

Payton Pope, 9th grade, said that she will “stay focused and pin a goal for me to achieve, and make sure I reach my goal by the end of the year.” Another 9th grader said, “I will not procrastinate as much when doing homework. This will improve my focus skills and my overall grade.”

Rozylnn McNally, 9th grade, said, “I want to go to tutoring so I can get an A on all my finals.” Resolutions are all meant to start off goals for the new year and a way to start the year with a positive note.