New SRO takes over O-town


Deputy Zinge jokes around with the co-worker Deputy Walcott.

Raine Lester, Staff Writer

With the sudden transfer of Deputy Smallios, a new SRO stepped into the halls. Deputy Elonda Zinge. describes herself as being “very optimistic and positive”. Her partner, Deputy Walcott, describes her as a very understanding and funny person.

She has worked in law enforcement for 36 years and was retired for a year and a half before she starting walking the halls. Pizza is her favorite food. Tom Selleck is her favorite celebrity; he also plays a mayor and retired law enforcement officer on a popular show called “Blue Bloods.”

Deputy Zinge said if she could go anywhere in the world, she would choose Alaska. Australia was her first pick, but because of the recent catastrophes happening there, she said her second choice because of “the beautiful and unique wildlife that inhabit the gorgeous state of Alaska.”   

Her favorite assignment to work on as a law enforcement officer was working in warrants, which is where they were given a list of names every morning because there was a warrant for their arrest and she would look for them because she had to put them under arrest. Her best and funniest memory from this assignment is when they went to this guy’s house who had a warrant out for his arrest. When they knocked on his door he was sitting there waiting for them so when they opened the door to come get him he threw the covers off of him and he was fully dressed because he was “waiting on them to come and pick him up.”