Top three news stories of the week

Kelli Slater

Logan Ferrell, staff writer

Hello, Warriors!

My name is Logan Ferrell, and these are your top 3 news stories of the week.

Number one: Wuhan Coronavirus causes international concern

 As of Monday, February 3, the Coronavirus sweeping the world has killed nearly 300 people and infected nearly 18,000. There are mask shortages as people try to buy as many as they can to protect themselves from the virus. According to The Washington Post, the World Health Organization has declared the Coronavirus outbreak a “world health emergency.”

Number two:  Australia’s wildfires

This fire season in Australia is going to be a long one since it’s just half way through the fire season and already 1.4 billion cubic meters have burned. Half a billion animals have been burned alive along with 27 people. Experts at the National Weather Service in Australia believe that the worst is yet to come of the situation.

Number three: The impeachment trial of President Donald J. Trump.

The president has been formally impeached by the House of Representatives but must endure a formal Senate trial to decide if he is removed from office. The New York Times reports that the trial may last over a month, this means that the nation sits in uncertainty about if the president will stay the president.

That was the top 3 news stories of the week Warriors. Have a safe and wonderful week!