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Warrior Record Online

The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

The news website of Osceola Fundamental High School

Warrior Record Online

Summer around the corner
Baby fever

Baby fever

May 13, 2024

Summer Senior portraits

Summer Senior portraits

May 10, 2024

Credit recovery occurring over summer

Credit recovery occurring over summer

May 10, 2024

Say ‘Hola’ to Costa Rica

Warriors travel to Costa Rica
Señora Padavon is in charge of the Costa Rica trip.

This experience will offer many activities such as “… a tour of a coffee plantation, visiting Arenal Volcano National Park, kayaking, ziplining, a rainforest tour, a crocodile boat safari, white water rafting, and much more.”

— Señora Padovan

If any students are looking for an adventure and new experience this summer, then the upcoming Spanish trip may catch a few eyes. Señora Padovan, Spanish teacher, is taking students to Costa Rica this summer for nine days. The flight to leave would take off on the 6th of June. Señora Padovan says that “students learn a lot about themselves when they travel. They learn to budget, the responsibility of being on their own, the culture, and using the language”. Olivia Adams, 10th grade student, says “There will be a lot of fun activities and it would be a super cool opportunity”. This experience will offer many activities such as “… a tour of a coffee plantation, visiting Arenal Volcano National Park, kayaking, ziplining, a rainforest tour, a crocodile boat safari, white water rafting, and much more,” Señora Padovan says. Hailey Huffman, 9th grade student, says that “It is pretty there and very tropical, it is like Hawaii but cooler”. Not only will students that decide to travel on this adventure do all of the activities listed, but they will also be able to explore the cities and shops. This will allow for true involvement and transportation into this culture while having a lot of fun. This Costa Rica adventure is definitely catching the attention of students and peaking their interests. Any and all students will be eligible to join this journey, even if they are not in a Spanish class. Even if students cannot speak Spanish at a high level, they will be able to immerse themselves in the
Spanish culture and use the language as much as they want to with the locals. If students have any friends that are interested in the trip that go to a different school; they can talk to Señora Padovan about coming. Laine Krupka, 9th grader, says “I have always wanted to travel the world, and this was a great opportunity to do so with my friends”. The price to be a part of this trip will be around $3,700 and it is all inclusive except for lunch. Flights, hotel rooms, and breakfast and dinner are a part of the all- inclusive price though. The flight would be out of Tampa International Airport to San Jose, and it would be roughly a five-hour flight.
If students are interested in this trip, parents who may have questions about any part of the trip can talk to Señora Padovan. There was a parent information meeting Wednesday evening, September 20th, at 6 o’clock, in the media center that let parents know all they need to about this trip. If your parent missed that meeting, they can still talk to Señora Padovan to find out information. To sign up for the Costa Rica trip, go to the following link.