Spock’s surfing on Titan, dude


Along with an earth-like polar wind rushing through Saturn’s moon Titan, the Star Trek Enterprise is an unlikely find for WSHS.

Margaret Hynes, Staff Writer


   “With an active polar atmosphere, parallel climate activity (including rainfall, rivers, and more), and a freshly unearthed polar wind that is forcing gaseous matter from the stratosphere, Saturn’s moon, Titan, has always thought to have been harboring some natural life forms, whether it be simple bacterial organisms or more advanced entities. But, the scientists at UCL and NASA never expected anything like this,” explains Ricky Rover, head of staff at WSHS, also known as Weird Stuff Happening in Space.

          “We’ve gathered imperative data regarding Saturn’s moon – the solar magnetic field, radiation, and Titan’s complex atmosphere have been intermingling over the past seven years, evolving into an earthly hydrocarbon/nitrile airstream that is being forced into the outermost regions of space. Whilst analyzing this remarkable find, we, the members of WSHS, also found something else, probably even more remarkable. It will definitely make the nerdy space freaks go wild,” explains Gerry Goober, chief of Weird-&-Kind of-Creepy-Stuff-That’s-Going-On at WSHS.

          According to leading scientists and analyzers at WSHS, UCL, and NASA, the Star Trek Enterprise is currently traveling along Titan’s newly discovered earth-like polar winds.

          “We’ve made contact with Captain Kirk and he has reported that their interplanetary data-keeper, a.k.a Spock, says that this wind is a perfect way to ride on out of Titan and into space at warp speed,” explains Ricky Rover. “It’s sort of like a surfboard, at least that’s what Kirk told me. Man, I love that good old Kirky-boy.”

          It is still unclear why the Star Trek Enterprise is on Titan.

          “This is just dumb. Who let that guy go over there,” retorts Janice Jolly, a NASA enthusiast and previous employee of WSHS.

          “Live long and prosper, man,” says Harold Harry, a local spectator.


This is a satire based off of the following article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/06/150618103830.htm